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  Environmental protection and the proposed development of Kirkby Town Centre

According to Knowsley Council's environmental protection section, the whole development site has been the subject of a site investigation and this has confirmed that the area which is intended to be occupied by the stadium is a former landfill site.

In summary the investigation has shown that the mounded area alongside Valley Road comprises early 1960's municipal refuse overlain by natural soils and clays (thought to be arisings from the second Mersey Tunnel) and some construction and demolition materials.

Potential risks to human health, structures and the environment have been identified and mitigation measures are proposed by the developer. This information is contained in an Environmental Statement submitted as part of the planning application. As part of its consideration of the planning application the Council will need to be satisfied that the Environmental Statement and the measures put forward in it are sufficient. It will have to meet the aim of ensuring that on completion of the development the site is suitable for its intended use and is not capable of being determined to be ìcontaminated landî under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

It is the role of the planning regime in dealing with potentially contaminated land to achieve these two aims. The assessment of the Environmental Statement is ongoing.

The detailed ground investigation reports are available for viewing with the main application details at both Huyton and Kirkby One Stop Shops or on line on the Council's website here.

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©2007-19 Rt Hon George Howarth MP for Knowsley