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  Fairhaven and Towerhill Residents’ Association

This was an ad hoc meeting on 29 February with residents of Fairhaven, Towerhill Residents’ Association and others who had heard about the meeting. The various groups overlapped.

Towerhill Resident Association's secretary has confirmed that it is an accurate account of the meeting.

1 Views of Fairhaven residents and others
The Fairhaven residents were divided, some supportive, who felt that the Tesco/Everton proposal offered a good opportunity to regenerate the town and create new jobs. Others felt that it would lead to a loss of green space and increased litter.

2 Towerhill Residents Association
This is formally constituted residents’ group. Members are strongly in favour of the Tesco/Everton proposal and have signed a petition to that effect. They see it as a positive development that would increase the economic prosperity of the area and promote regeneration.

Click here to return to the full list of consultation responses.


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©2007-19 Rt Hon George Howarth MP for Knowsley