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  Local views on the proposals to regenerate Kirkby Town Centre

I believe my role as the local MP is to ensure that genuine concerns of residents are addressed and I have undertaken to do so in meetings with several residents’ groups.

Over the past few months I have met many different residents groups and other representatives of local stakeholders. A summary of the meetings and responses I have received can be accessed below. I have also summarised each of the issues and asked the developers to outline how they would address each concern.

The views of local residents

Views of local residents and different groups vary significantly: there are some vociferous opponents but equally there are also strong supporters. During my discussions, I have been struck by the thoughtfulness and practical attitude that most local people have shown.

Quantitative evidence suggests that there is more local support than opposition for the proposals. Despite this support many people have legitimate concerns and I have asked the developers for specific reassurances on each of these points. Tesco's response to specific concerns raised by residents on each area is listed below:

Traffic and transport management - the proposals include a 4,500 space Park & Ride scheme supported by a range of additional transport options including coach, buses, trains and walking routes. At least £10million will be spent on improving road junctions in the vicinity of the site and proposals also include a strictly enforced residents-only parking scheme.

Local safety and security - considerable effort has been put into design and landscaping so as to maximise safety and security, including CCTV and a comprehensive external lighting system. Tesco is also committed to carrying out a full litter clean up after every football match.

Creating an alternative green space - Destination Kirkby will be on the site of a former tip, where 70% of the land is now informal open space and 30% a playing field for a school to be closed in 2009.

New facilities - the school will be replaced by a new learning centre in nearby Ruffwood, while relevant agencies are working to ensure open space and new funding for sports facilities elsewhere in Kirkby.

Existing businesses and Kirkby town centre - an unprecedented £400 million will be invested in Kirkby, acting as a catalyst for sustained future investment in shops, jobs, houses, transport and leisure. The location of Destination Kirkby will give it a unique ability to draw major retail investment back into the heart of the town, with existing businesses benefitting from the influx of more shoppers and visitors.

Jobs for local people - the new Tesco Extra store will provide 700 jobs for long-term unemployed people in Kirkby – a commitment that will reduce the number of local people claiming Job Seekers Allowance by at least 25%. With the volume of employment opportunities delivered by Destination Kirkby expected to see total claimant levels halved, there is a real window of opportunity to reinvigorate Kirkby.

Local property values - while there is currently a fair degree of uncertainty in the UK property market, there is no reason to believe that the transformation brought about by Destination Kirkby will have a negative impact on prices. Similar redevelopment elsewhere in the UK, involving football stadia and improved shopping facilities has led to property price rises.Individual responses

More detail on each of the above areas from Tesco can be viewed here.

Individual responses

A summary of each of the meetings George held over the past few months can be viewed by clicking on the links below. Each of these views has been validated by the groups named. Also listed are submissions from the developers.
- Acorn cars
- Central Ward door to door survey
- Everton FC
- Fairhaven residents and Towerhill Residents’ Association
- Heys Residents’ Association
- JobcentrePlus
- Kirkby Residents' Action Group - KRAG
- Melling Mount Residents' Association
- Old Hall Residents' Association
- Primary Fluid Power
- Quarry Green tenants
- Spicer Grove and Eagle Court
- Tesco
- Valley Residents' Association
- Webster Park Residents’ Association

George also met with Brook Residents' Action Group and an ad hoc group of local businesses in Kirkby. These organisations have been unable to confirm their views in writing following their meetings.

I would welcome your constructive thoughts whether they are for, against or neutral towards the proposal. Click here to contact me.


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©2007-19 Rt Hon George Howarth MP for Knowsley