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  Kirkby Residents Action Group - KRAG

This summary was prepared following a meeting with KRAG on 8 February 2008. The group's secretary has confirmed that it is an accurate account of the meeting and supplied the answers in the Q&A section listed below.

KRAG's views

KRAG is a group formed specifically to oppose the Tesco/Everton proposal for the development of Kirkby Town Centre. It finds the proposal unacceptable as follows:
1. They consider it a major departure from Knowsley’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP)
2. In their view, the scale of the development would have a disproportionate and negative effect on the character of the town;
3. They maintain that it will adversely affect property values - this is an issue in the context that property values are an indicator of quality of life and aspirations for an area / community
4. They feel it will attract major additional traffic with retail customers, football fans and retail deliveries which will lead to congestion and will exacerbate ill-health, particularly asthma and respiratory disorders;
5. They object to the exclusivity arrangement that Knowsley Council has with the developer while also acting as the planning authority;
6. They maintain that, as a consequence of the proposal, the number of secondary schools in the town will be reduced by one under the BSE plan, in order to accommodate the development;
7. KRAG expressed the view that the Knowsley Council consultation document is too lengthy and complex to enable residents to respond within the timetable laid down.

KRAG's opinion poll

In response to my statement announcing qualified support of the proposals, KRAG told me that they had carried out an exit poll outside the Kirkby Civic Suite over the two days of 22 and 23 April 2008.

The results of KRAG's poll contrast sharply with the poll carried out by the independent pollsters ICM which showed cautious support (more information). According to KRAG, 90.3% were against the proposed development and 9.7% were in favour. KRAG did not count anyone as undecided or neutral.

Because these results are very different from those carried out by independent pollsters on the basis of the strict rules laid out by the Market Research Society to guarantee impartiality, I have written to KRAG to ask questions about how they conducted the poll. Subject to their approval, I will publish their answers here.

Who does KRAG represent and how did KRAG come to the views expressed above?

George asked KRAG a number of questions about who KRAG represents and how it came to the views outlined above. His questions and their answers are listed below:

Q. What is the geographical area in which your group operates?
A. The whole of the town of Kirkby

Q. How many members are there in your group?
A. 500 +

Q. Is there a list of members?
A. Yes

Q. Is your group a legally constituted group (e.g a registered charity, company limited by guarantee or other)?
A. Yes

Q. How many people would you say the group represents?
A. Thousands. Recently over 2500 residents responded to KRAG objection letters

Q. By what means have you established that your group speaks for those people?
A. Consultations, member meetings, public meetings, exit interviews, website, neighbourhood network meetings, PET, CEN

Click here to return to the full list of consultation responses.


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©2007-19 Rt Hon George Howarth MP for Knowsley