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  Tesco's detailed response to questions raised by residents

Michael Kissman of Tesco outlines key elements of the regeneration proposals in response to issues raised in the consultation

How will traffic and transport be managed and what plans are there to cope with increased traffic?

Special focus is being given to the careful management of stadium-related traffic and the introduction of sufficiently attractive alternatives to car use, in line with the Government’s ‘best practice’ guidelines for both new stadia and urban development. Proposals include a 4,500 space Park & Ride scheme supported by a range of additional transport options including coach, buses, trains and walking routes. At least £10 million will be spent on improving road junctions in the immediate vicinity of the site and our proposals also include a strictly enforced residents-only parking scheme. The latter will ensure that residential areas are protected against any encroachment from visiting traffic.

The creation of an overarching vision, supported by a green travel plan and a transport movement strategy will enable the development to be delivered on a phased basis. Each phase will incorporate both physical infrastructure and management mechanisms to minimise impacts on the local highway network. Tesco is currently working in close consultation with Knowsley Council to develop longer-term public transport improvements. These plans will include measures aimed at making communications to and from Kirkby significantly easier and more sustainable.

How will you guard against the potential for anti-social behaviour with the arrival of Everton FC in Kirkby?

Considerable effort has been put into the design and landscaping strategy for Destination Kirkby, so as to maximise safety and security, including CCTV and a comprehensive external lighting system. 24-hour trading has been proven to reduce crime and we strongly believe that the extended opening hours of the Tesco Extra store in Kirkby will also bring some additional security to both the development and the town. Everton FC has a proven track record in successfully tackling anti-social behaviour and has a dedicated community programme for local neighbourhoods, with the aim of both preventing and reducing crime. Tesco is also committed to carrying out a full litter clean up after every match to ensure the local environment is not adversely affected by any stadium related traffic.

What provision has been made for alternative green space in Kirkby to redress the development of this site?

The proposed site for Destination Kirkby is a former tip which is covered by a capping level of clay. Overtime, approximately 70% of the site has become informal open space. Approximately 30% of the site has been used by a local school for playing fields. This school will have no future use for the land from the end of 2009 when it is closed and replaced with a brand new learning centre on Ruffwood Drive, as part of the national Building Schools for the Future programme. The school will have full use of the land until this time. Destination Kirkby is working with Sport England and others to ensure open space and designated funding for new local sports facilities elsewhere in the town.

What impact will Destination Kirkby have on existing businesses and Kirkby town centre?

An unprecedented £400 million will be invested in Kirkby, acting as a catalyst for sustained future investment in shops, jobs, houses, transport and leisure. Regeneration is about bringing together the right mix of these elements so communities benefit both immediately and over the long term. Destination Kirkby will bring all of these elements together and its location close to the town centre will give it a unique ability to draw major retail investment back into the heart of Kirkby.

Tesco Extra stores are often based in areas in need of a boost and we have some real experience of making retail-led regeneration work successfully – in places like Leeds, Reading and Manchester. Destination Kirkby is being developed carefully with both Knowsley Council and local stakeholders to ensure the town, its centre and existing business benefit from the investment. Local business representatives are on the Community Liaison Group – established to ensure local views are formally voiced and play an active part in the development of the plans. We believe that existing businesses stand to benefit from the influx of more shoppers and visitors in the area alongside improved services, such as parking. We would also hope that our investment provides other businesses with the confidence to stay and invest in the town. As well as a Tesco Extra store, 50 additional retail units are planned. These are likely to attract a host of high street names, enhancing the local shopping experience.

The new Tesco Extra store will provide 700 jobs - more than 300 of which have been earmarked for long-term unemployed people in Kirkby. This commitment stands to reduce the number of people in the area claiming Job Seekers Allowance by at least 25%. Research indicates that the volume of employment opportunities which will be delivered by Destination Kirkby could actually see total claimant levels halved. Improving economic outlook in this way provides a real window of opportunity to reinvigorate Kirkby, for the benefit of all.

How will Destination Kirkby affect local property values?

Recent press reports indicate a fair degree of uncertainty in the UK property market at present, and it is therefore difficult to predict what the actual impact of Destination Kirkby will be on house prices in the area. It would be safe to say however, that the transformation brought about by the many new jobs, improved opportunities for existing businesses, and leisure and shopping visits into the town will boost the local economy and make Kirkby a better place to live. As such, there is no reason why Destination Kirkby should bring with it a negative impact on property prices. In fact, similar redevelopments elsewhere in the UK, involving football grounds and improved shopping facilities has led to property price rises.

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